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ALFRED Research Infrastructure Conference: Looking Ahead

The State-Owned Company Technologies for Nuclear Energy (RATEN) and the Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti-Mioveni (RATEN ICN) organized the ALFRED Research Infrastructure Conference: Looking Ahead between October 22-23, 2020. The conference was organized in the framework of PRO ALFRED research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Research through PNCDI III, Sub-Program 5.5 in order to prepare Romania’s contribution to the construction of ALFRED research infrastructures in our country. ALFRED is a complex infrastructure comprised of the demonstration reactor and a series of experimental support installations. The objective of the infrastructure is to demonstrate the technical and economic viability […]

Seminarul de Avizare a lucrarilor etapei I, RATEN ICN Pitesti

Intalnirea cu membrii GIF-LFR, RATEN ICN Pitesti

Sedinta de Lansare a proiectului PRO ALFRED, RATEN ICN Pitesti